All We Have To Decide Is What To Do With The Time That Is Given Us

All We Have To Decide Is What To Do With The Time That Is Given Us

Human beings have no control or say over when or where they are born. Similarly, we know that one day we will depart from this world. Yet, no one knows on which day and where we will take our last breath and our souls will leave our bodies. Death is inevitable; it is one of the most bitter realities of life. There is no escape from it; no matter how much we abhor it, we have to taste it.

However, the span between our births and deaths remains at least partially under our control. It is up to us how we spend our time on this planet. Some people make the most of their time and turn their dreams into reality. While others waste their time coming up with excuses and later regretting not putting enough effort into following their dreams and passions.

Hence, instead of wishing for a better life, try to utilize that time to work for you. We all get an equal number of hours every day. Now, it is up to us how we spend those precious hours. We can either use them productively, or we can waste those hours meaningless and petty distractions, regretting it later.

Furthermore, instead of worrying about what the future holds for us, we should focus on our present and make use of what we have. This lesson is beautifully conveyed in the 2nd chapter of the book ‘The Fellowship of the Rings.’

I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo. ‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. The Fellowship of the Rings- Chapter 2 The Shadow of the Past

Where Does The Quote Originate From?

The aforementioned quote comes from the book ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’ by J.R.R. Tolkien, Chapter 2, ‘The Shadow of the Past.’ The Fellowship of the Ring is the first book of the novel The Lords of the Rings, published on July 29, 1954, in the United Kingdom.
The book was adapted into a movie in 2001 titled The Lords of Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. The movie gained global recognition and is one of the most influential films ever made. It also won plenty of awards. Furthermore, the movie is listed in the ‘100 greatest American Films In History’ by American Film Institute.
In 2021, the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress selected the film for preservation in the US for its cultural, historical, and aesthetic significance.

Who Was J.R.R Tolkien?

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien is a renowned English writer who gained worldwide recognition for his book ‘The Hobbit’ and novel ‘The Lord Of The Ring.’ J.R.R Tolkien went to King Edward’s School for his bachelor’s in Arts in 1915. He completed his master’s from Exeter College, Oxford, in 1919. Before publishing his epic fantasy novels, Tolkien was an English Professor at both University of Leeds and Oxford. He started writing a fantasy novel, The Hobbit, during his teaching career and published it in 1937. The book earned immense love from readers, and the publisher requested a sequel to The Hobbit. 17 years later, Tolkien presented his readers with his masterpiece, fantasy novel “The Lord of the Rings.”

What Is The Meaning Of The Quote?

The quote is spoken by the character Gandalf in the book to his mentee Frodo. Gandalf was a powerful wizard while Frodo was the Hobbit of the Shire, who was assigned to destroy the ring to prevent Sauran, aka the Dark Lord, from reclaiming and using it for evil purposes.

Frodo was anxious and worried about the quest ahead of him. He dreaded thinking about how the quest would end and wished that none of the tragedies that assail him and his world would happen. Gandalf sympathized with Frodo’s feelings and fear. He encouraged him to focus on the present rather than become upset over the unfavorable circumstances troubled all the middle earth.

Understand, when we encounter hardships in our life, we worry about them and try to wish away. By constantly stressing over the problems, we lose our focus on the present time and waste it. Therefore, try as best you can to not scared when life presents you with challenges. Instead, try to find a solution and view all your troubles as valuable learning opportunities.

There are many who think a wise prince ought, when he has the chance, to foment astutely some enmity, so that by suppressing it he will augment his greatness. Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

How To Make The Most of Your Time?

being productive with your time illustration

Time is one of the most mesmerizing paradoxes of human life. We have no control over our past or future, yet, the present is under our control. No magic or technology in this world can take us to our past. However, it is up to us how we live today to shape our future. Another surprising fact about time is that ‘no one knows much they are left with.’ Hence, try your best to make the most of your time by considering some of the following pointers:

  • 1. Master the Art of Prioritizing
  • Setting your priorities straight is the first biggest step to managing your time correctly instead of wasting it. Make a list of things that are most important in your life, for instance, your studies, your job, your business etc… Allocate the most amount of time to these areas of your life and make no exceptions for them. If your business requires 10 hours of your day to get it off the ground, don’t shy away from making that commitment. (but do be aware of burn out)
    Try to refrain from making excuses and spending your day on things or with people who rob you of time instead of spending it on something essential. Remember, time is constantly slipping. Make sure you make the best of it in order to live the life that you want.

  • 2. Plan Your Day
  • Planning your day increases your focus and helps you achieve your daily goals. Before you go to bed every night, list all the essential things you must get done the next day. By doing so, you will be better positioned to manage your time and complete all the important tasks.

    “He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” Winston Churchill

  • 3. Cut Out Distractions
  • Spending time with friends, watching TV, scrolling on social media, etc., can sometimes be detrimental to productivity if done excessively. It drains our valuable time and creates a vast distance between us and our goals. Hence, try to limit your screen time and other recreational activities to fully focus on your important tasks.

  • 4. Spend Time With Your Family
  • Remind yourself that one day your grandparents, parents, and other family members will no longer be in this world. You will no longer be able to sit with them and enjoy their company. Therefore, spend quality time with your family and friends while they are with you. Because once they leave this world, you will regret not spending enough time with them.

  • 5. Let Go Of The Idea of ‘What Other People Think’
  • Never forget that ‘you live only once.’ Do everything that makes you happy, and don’t be afraid to chase your dream, irrespective of age. Most people do not pursue their dreams and are hesitant to achieve their goals because they fear ‘what others will think’

    “Care about what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner.” Lao Tzu

    Remember that time will not wait for you. It will continue to slip from your hands. Thus, make the most of it to follow your passions.