Life Is a Journey, Not a Destination

Life Is a Journey, Not a Destination

The concept of travelling back or forth in time has always piqued the interest of many. A lot of people would love the idea of returning to the past to rectify their mistakes and make decisions that positively impact their future. Likewise, some individuals long to take a glimpse into their future. They are curious to learn what their upcoming stage of life would look like.

A lot of us spend a considerable amount of time worrying about our future. We all wish for a happy, secure, and stable life in the long run. Because of that, we work hard and often forget to live in the moment. We think of our forthcoming days as a reward and entirely forget that every moment, be it past, present, or future, is never a prize or destination we need to arrive at. Instead, it is a part of our beautiful journey called life. This is why we must appreciate, enjoy, and be grateful for every minute of it. This is the profound message delivered to us in the following quote:

Life is a journey, not a destination.

Where Does The Quote Come From?

The previously mentioned quote is misattributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson and is not found in any of his works. The quote is found in the book ‘The Christian Advocate’ published in 1920. The phrase was used by Lynn H. Hough for a Sunday School Lesson.

He wanted his friends to realize that life is a journey and not a destination, that the heart must be set upon those matters of character which are eternal and not upon those matters of sensation which pass away. The Christian Advocate, First Quarter, Chapter 9, Page 266, Column 2

Some other variants of this quote with different words have also been published and gained quite a popularity. Some of the different versions are:

But we stupid mortals, or most of us, are always in haste to reach somewhere else, forgetting that the zest is in the journey and not in the destination. Roads of Adventure by Ralph D. Paine, Page 404

“Helen, somebody has said that happiness is a journey—not a destination. You have it as you go along. You’ve been very happy with two different people.” Shadows in Paradise by Inez Wallace, Page 8, Column 4

Who Was Ralph Waldo Emerson?

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a well-known essayist, poet, lecturer, and philosopher.  Emerson’s work was primarily concerned with human nature, individuality, and the relationship between God and everything in the world.

Reverend William Emerson, Emerson’s father, was a Unitarian minister. After Reverend’s death in 1811, Emerson and his siblings were raised by their aunt Mary Moody Emerson. In 1821, Emerson graduated from Harvard College.

Emerson followed in his father’s footsteps and chose to preach to people about God and his teachings. In 1829, he was also ordained as a Unitarian minister. People adored his sermons, and he soon rose to fame. Emerson avoided discussing traditional doctrines of religion like other ministers of his time. Instead, he preached to people his own interpretation of God and religion. His seniors disapproved of his teachings, so he resigned as a minister in 1831.

 Among Emerson’s most famous essays are Circles, Self-Reliance, Nature, and The Poet. He died of pneumonia in 1882 and was buried at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, Massachusetts.

What Is The Meaning Of The Quote?

The aforementioned quote beautifully explains that life is a journey that must be relished and appreciated every day. However, instead of living it, we merely survive and set specific conditions for ourselves; if achieved, it would only then allow us to be fully happy. We plan to relax and enjoy our lives upon accomplishing certain goals. For example, plenty of new employees delude themselves into thinking that they will slow down and indulge in recreational activities once they land a good job. When their one goal is accomplished, they automatically set a new one and hustle just as hard to achieve it.

The cycle of achieving one goal and setting another keeps us busy for almost all our lives. We fail to understand that happiness, peace, and contentment in life are not dependent upon successfully completing all goals. Allow yourself to slow down, breathe, and take pleasure from the joys life offers you. Do not trap yourself into a misconception that you need to be successful or do something spectacular to live a fulfilled life.

Therefore, welcome every day as a gift and be excited to uncover what it has in store for you. Think of your life as a voyage and yourself as a sailor. Some days will be calm and in your favor, and others will be rough. But every day, you have the power to either live positively or sulk over inconveniences. Hence, upon encountering unfortunate incidents in your life, remind yourself that it is a part of your journey and not something permanent. It will eventually pass, just like the joyous moments of life.

The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life.

William Morris

Is It Wise To Sacrifice Your Present For a Better Future?

Society has an unspoken rule that people must sacrifice their today for a prosperous and ideal future. Because of this societal belief, many young adults forget the present moments and work tirelessly for a better future. Working towards your goals and turning your dreams into reality is lovely. However, hustling for your aims and objectives shouldn’t force you to live a mechanical and robotic life.

You can have a bright future if you work hard and dedicatedly in your present. But you don’t have to deprive yourself of having fun, socializing, entertainment, and leisure. Taking time for yourself and relaxing doesn’t mean you are harming your tomorrow. In fact, taking breaks and enjoying yourself is as important as working. Constant worrying and being busy exhausts our mind and adversely affects our productivity. This makes us frustrated and even reduces our motivation, resulting in us not working on our goals effectively.

Draining yourself or staying away from the pleasures of life in no way guarantees a beautiful future. Your success is dependent upon your mindset, effort, and determination. Continue to work hard and remain positive, but never feel guilty for taking some time off for yourself or taking a break from hustling.

If you are losing your leisure, look out; you may lose your soul.

Logan Pearsall Smith

Always remember that it is essential to maintain a balance between work and leisure. Overworking and not spending time on recreational activities are as detrimental as staying idle and wasting time. To live a prosperous and fulfilled life, aim to create an equilibrium between professional commitments and relaxation.

The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man.
