A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men

A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men

The character Willy Wonka in the story “Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory” is one of the most popular and classic children’s book characters. However, for some adults, his childlike personality perhaps comes off as somewhat infantile and annoying. He is sarcastic, eccentric, childlike and he makes fun of everyone. But for kids, Wonka is cheerful, full of fun, and lives in an exciting world.

Where Does The Quote Come From?

The aforementioned quote occurs in one scene of the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971), where Wonka was showing his guests the “eggdicator” which can indicate whether the golden egg is good or bad.

Grandpa Joe: It’s an educated eggdicator.
Henry Salt: It’s a lot of nonsense.
Willy Wonka: A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)

However, in the book sequel Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (1972), the same quote was used again when Willy Wonka and Charlie and his family successfully arrived at the chocolate factory. This was after what seemed like a roller coaster ride on that great glass elevator called the Wonkavator.

“I have never met a man,” said Grandma Georgina, “who talks so much absolute nonsense!”
“A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.” Mr. Wonka said. Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (1972)

The origin of the quote is unknown. The earliest appearance of the quote which is referred to as an old couplet was from a reviewer of a drama in 1823 printed in the newspaper New York Mirror. Nonetheless, we can conclude that Roald Dahl was the one who made this quote popular.

Who was Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl was born in 1916. He is a popular British author of numerous children’s books. He is listed as one of The 50 Greatest British Writers Since 1945. He is also ranked by Forbes as a top-earning dead celebrity. His notable works included James and the Giant Peach (1961), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1964), The BFG (1982), and Matilda (1988).

Prior to becoming a children’s book author, Dahl enlisted himself in the Royal Air Force (RAF) at the time when World War II loomed. His experiences in the military influenced him to write his first story collection. After the war, Dahl got married and had five children. It was his bedtime stories to his kids that inspired him to start writing children’s books.

What is the meaning of the quote?

Just like the character Willy Wonka, the quote is also a bit eccentric. It uses words that are contradictory – “nonsense” and “wise”. Perhaps the author implied that this is what we should be, a bit of both. We can be like a child who asks outlandish questions and at the same time act as an adult that gives wise answers. You see, as grown-ups, we tend to be so serious about life. We are so preoccupied and busy that we usually forget to have a bit of fun. As people often say, there is an inner child in all of us waiting to be awakened.

Not taking things close to heart

Life has already became fairly complicated for many of us. Our civilization adopted many novel technologies that we must learn and understand and yet have so little time to do so. This technological progress has brought about a ruthless competition for all of us on a global scale and forced us to keep finding ways to avoid being left behind. But sometimes we have to pause for a moment and wind down a bit. Find the fun in life and see how not taking things seriously can greatly benefit us; here are some suggestions you may found useful:

  • Regaining your sanity.
  • Sometimes, even difficult situations can make us lose our minds. So, having a little bit of fun can help us regain our sanity. Take a break and play a game, take up a dance class, release those endorphins.

  • Meet interesting people.
  • When you are acting too seriously, many people may have a difficult time approaching you. But when you start to loosen up and interact with different individuals, you would realize how small your world has been. You will quickly learn that you are surrounded with amazing people and amusing stories. You may also find lifetime friends in the funniest and craziest circumstances.

  • Become creative.
  • As adults, our thoughts are guarded. We have this fear of exposing some of our nonsensical ideas and fantasies. But did you know that the slinky toy was accidentally invented by a clumsy naval engineer? And his wife doubted him until the kids in their neighborhood got really excited about the new toy.

  • Avoid burnout.
  • Working 9 to 5 plus overtime can really exhaust us both physically and mentally. But devoting time for fun timeouts at work can avoid burnout. It can be as simple as having fun chitchat with your colleagues at lunch break or maybe watching funny videos or even listening to some music.

Reversal of perspective – Lighthearted approach to life

As the saying goes: “Too much of a good thing is bad for you”. While it is beneficial to avoid taking every single event that happens in our life as a serious matter, on the contrary, not taking anything seriously can have disastrous effects on your life and that of others. While our intentions might be harmless, not everyone will understand it that way. Hence, next time when pulling a joke, it is best to always consider your audience and the occasion. Let the following points remind you of the dangers of never taking anything seriously;

  • People will not trust you
  • When people start to think of you as somebody who jokes all the time, it would mean the end of your trustworthiness. You don’t want that to happen that often especially at work. You may end up doing small tasks or projects that would limit your career growth and opportunities.

  • Issues won’t go away
  • Just by joking about problems doesn’t mean they go away. For instance, saying something like, “Ah I just missed the flight. Hope it misses me too.” The thing is, you still missed the flight. And you have to figure out your next steps quickly. You know it won’t be funny when missing your flight can also mean ruining other people’s schedule.

  • You lose self-worth
  • Telling jokes that embarrasses your own self can make you lose self-worth. This happens when your supposed to keep some bluffs to yourself. Like joking about your appearance. Some people might think it is okay to make fun of your appearance. You might be caught off guard and get offended by a joke you started.

Balance is the key to a serious and fun life. Be childish but don’t be foolish.

Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place Mark Twain