I Have Loved The Stars Too Fondly To Be Fearful Of The Night

I Have Loved The Stars Too Fondly To Be Fearful Of The Night

Out of all the teachers in the world, no one can beat the universe in imparting upon us the best lessons in life. For instance, every sunrise at dawn teaches us the lesson of hope and a fresh start. While the sunset at dusk reminds us of growing old and weak as life progresses.

Similarly, the darkness of the night reveals a bitter message about death. Just as the sun disappears at night, we, too, will one day become invisible in this world once death claims us. But amidst the darkness, the silver glowing stars tell us that night isn’t terrifying; it is as beautiful as the day. Once people fall in love with stars, they are no longer afraid of night or darkness.

I Have Loved The Stars Too Fondly To Be Fearful Of The Night.
Sarah Williams

Where Does The Quote Originate From?

The previously mentioned quote is from the 4th stanza of Sara Williams’s most renowned poem, ‘The Old Astronomer To His Pupil,’ published in her second collection of poetry known as Twilight Hours in 1868. Sara was an English poet and a novelist; she published only one poetry collection during her lifetime under the pseudonym Sadie.

Her second collection of poetry was published after her death. The poem ‘The Old Astronomer To His Pupil’ gained immense popularity. The first 4 stanzas of this poem were published in “Best Loved Poems of the American People” in 1936.

The poem shines a light on plenty of topics, including the struggles, sorrows and happiness presented by life, doing things that you love, etc. The poem also highlights the biggest and one of the most unpleasant realities of life; death.

Who Was Sara Williams?

Sara Williams was born in December 1937 in London. Her parents, Robert Williams and Louisa Ware, were highly interested and involved in her education. Sara had a deep and beautiful bond with her father, who was Welsh. She effortlessly incorporated many Welsh phrases into her work that made many believe she was a Welsh poet.

Sara went to Queen’s College in London, where she created beautiful pieces of poetry, which were appreciated by her teacher Dr Edward Hayes Plumptre, who later became the dean of the college. In 1866, Sara published her first poetry work titled ‘Rainbows in Springtide.’ She published her work under the name Sadie, which she used to call herself in childhood.

Sara was battling cancer which soon had reached an incurable stage. She did not disclose her condition to her family or friends to prevent them from feeling sad. In January 1868, Sara’s father died, which came as a shock to her. The pain of her father’s demise and her illness further deteriorated her health. Her only chance at living was to get rid of cancer by undergoing a risky surgery which she knew could end her life. Yet, she took the chance and agreed to it. Unfortunately, the surgery was unsuccessful, and Sara lost her life at the age of 31 joining her beloved father.

Her second book of poems was published the same year as her death, i.e., 1868. The poem ‘The Old Astronomer’ was loved by the masses, especially the last 2 lines of the 4th stanza.

Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too truly to be fearful of the night.

What is the Meaning Of The Quote?

The quote has a lovely depth to it, and can hold a multitude of meanings. The word night in the quote symbolizes darkness, sorrow, and the end of something bright. Whereas stars represent the beauty that accompanies the darkness.

The apparent surface of the quote explains that the love and passion for doing something diminishes the fear of failure or other obstacles. Problems and hurdles are an inseparable part of our lives that will surprise us at the most unexpected times. Instead of embracing the problems and viewing them as a bridge to get closer to their goals, we tend to despise them. Worrying about the hindrances in our way robs us of the pleasure of savoring the sweetness of what we love and widens the distance between us and our goals.

However, when people are truly passionate about their objectives, they do not stress about the hurdles in their way that they might encounter. Their only focus is to dedicate themselves to what they love doing and follow their passions unstoppably even if they encounter countless difficulties.

Death-The Biggest Reality of Human Life

At a higher level, the quote reveals life’s biggest reality that many people fear: death. mighty sun sinks every day and the darkness spreads, our lives will also one day end. The concept of death and the end of life is spine-chilling for many of us. Thinking or talking about it is considered inauspicious and dismal.

As we become old or battle a serious illness, our mind becomes restless about the thoughts of parting with this world. Instead of enjoying every moment our lives have to offer, we divert all our focus into thinking about death and it`s inevitable nature. Unfortunately this is exactly the kind of thought process that we must avoid. By focusing on the end of our life we give death power over the present moment. As difficult and impossible as this may sound we should instead make plans and continue to keep our life as normal as possible. Not denying the fact but merely embracing it and making use of the time we have left.

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”Mark Twain

Every living being on this planet has to depart when their time is over. Worrying about the inevitable drains the happiness we can derive from every day of our lives. If we can focus on our present and live it to its fullest, the fear of death will not engulf our lives. People who accept that their time on this earth is limited do not waste it thinking about how their lives will end. Instead, they utilize that time to enjoy their lives, embrace happiness and sorrows, and love their family and friends unconditionally.

Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaidLangston Hughes