No One Cares How Much You Know Until They Know How Much You Care

No One Cares How Much You Know Until They Know How Much You Care

Our advanced technological era has forced every professional and business into a tiring rat race. Every individual wants to be seen, heard, and recognized in this world be it for good or bad reasons. When someone gets a university degree, they want their family and friends to appreciate that they have knowledge about their chosen field and can competently solve problems in their domain. Similarly, each business tries to convince their customers that they are the next best thing in town.

However, only a few professionals and businesses are loved and trusted by their customers because of their sincere care and proactive interest in them. Many of us hesitate to trust the advice of professionals, be it therapists or even doctors, since many do not believe their well-being is being taken into account . On the contrary, we will completely trust a specialist if they empathize with us and show that they want the best for us.

“To practice five things under all circumstances constitutes perfect virtue; these five are gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness.”

For a long time successful entrepreneurs and experts have implement an old tried and tested strategy to distinguish themselves in the market. Instead of boasting about their expertise, they shift their focus from themselves on to others. Thus, they talk about how they can bring value to enhance the lives of others around them. If you, too, want to be considered an authority in your field, start practicing the golden rule, shared in the following quote: “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.”

Where Does The Quote Come From?

The quote: “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care” is often attributed to famous personalities like Earl Nightingale, John Maxwell, and former president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. However, the sources of this quote are not confirmed and their attribution is not verified.

Who was Theodore Roosevelt?

Theodore Roosevelt, popularly known as Teddy Roosevelt, was the 26th president of the United States of America. He was also a writer, environmentalist and a soldier. Roosevelt was the second child of Theodore Roosevelt Sr., a successful and wealthy entrepreneur who was quite popular at the time.

Because of his family’s sound wealth, Roosevelt’s parents hired private tutors for his education. He had shown a keen interest in his education and was curious to learn more. Roosevelt went to Harvard College for his degree. After that, he enrolled in Columbia Law School but didn’t graduate. He had found passion for writing as well as politics and wanted to pursue both as a career.

Roosevelt gained immense popularity for expanding his presidency and federal government power to support the public interest. Moreover, he played a pivotal role in international politics, especially in Asia and Europe. Roosevelt acted as a mediator between Russia and Japan to stop the Russo-Japanese war as well as control the tension in the East Asian region. He received a Nobel Prize for his peacemaking efforts in 1906.

Mount Rushmore Image with Theodore Roosevelt

Apart from his spectacular career in politics, Roosevelt was a great writer. He wrote over 40 books on different genres, including history, biographies, autobiography, memoirs, nature, and even guidebooks. Roosevelt died at 60 in 1919 in Oyster Bay, New York. The Mount Rushmore National Memorial honored Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln by carving their giant statues in 1927. The figures symbolize the first 150 years of the United States Of America.

What Is The Meaning Of The Quote?

Knowledge is a powerful tool that have the power to transform human lives for better or for worse. The technological and medical advancements in today’s era are the most significant proof that advanced education and inventions can change our lives for the better.
But, high education from reputable institutions alone is not enough to bring about a big change. Knowledge’s impact is multiplied manifold when it is combined with dedication to helping others and fostering good intentions for them.
Our professional expertise and vast knowledge are futile if we are not considerate or do not bring any value to others. Our family, friends, colleagues, etc., should only trust our skills and excellence in our field if we show that we genuinely care and want the best for them.

Let us take a look at an example, suppose you visit a highly qualified doctor who has earned many accolades for his expertise. However, when you discuss your problems with them, they show no empathy and prescribe medicine or tests without genuinely being interested about your problems or well-being. In that case, you won’t feel satisfied with the treatment of such a doctor. On the other hand, if you go to another doctor who listens to your problems patiently and shows concern about your health, you would have more confidence in their treatment.Unfortunately we cannot always pick and choose which doctor we get, and not all the doctors think that caring about their patients is part of their job description, this is sadly backed up by the widespread misuse of opioid prescriptions that resulted in an epidemic of addictions and deaths due to overdose.

In every stage of life, we only trust professionals who are not eager to make a sale. Instead, we prefer experts who listen to us, care for us, and suggest a feasible solution for our problem. Hence, if you want people to trust you and your abilities, you have to win their trust by showing them that you care for them. Once people understand your good intentions and passion for helping them, they will instantly trust your capability.

“A gift consists not in what is done or given, but in the intention of the giver or doer.”Seneca

3 Ways To Show Others You Care

Be an Active Listener

The first step to being more caring is patiently listening when someone talks about their problems. Let your family members, friends, and even strangers express their concerns so you can fully understand what they are going through. Once we develop the habit of active listening, we will be better positioned to help others overcome their problems.

Without understanding what someone is going through or their expectations, we can never give our best to help them. Therefore, when your loved ones express their concerns, be all ears to them. Don’t try to rush the conversation or be eager to give a suggestion. Let them finish talking, and then step in to share your views.

One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.Bryant H.McGil

Empathize With Others

It is natural to feel helpless and hopeless during challenging situations. If your loved ones are going through a tough time, try to create positivity in their lives. Avoid making them feel that the problems in their lives are due to their mistakes. Doing so will make them feel even more miserable, and they will never open up to you about what they are going through. There is a time and place for everything, when someone is actively struggling the last thing they want to hear is that it`s their fault, even if they might already know that.

“If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.” Dalai Lama

Offer Solutions

When you learn about someone`s problems offer them advice. Help them in a way you would like to be helped when encountering unfortunate events. By providing your sincere help or advice, you can alleviate their suffering and bring them ease. Hence, never shy away from helping if you have the resources, knowledge, or relevant experience to solve someone’s problems. Your small contribution will always be remembered. And when a situation calls for it, they will do the same for you.

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains is immortal. Albert Pine