No One Is Useless In This World Who Lightens The Burdens Of Another

No One Is Useless In This World Who Lightens The Burdens Of Another

The advent of social networking sites has revolutionized every area of our life. It has not only transformed the way we communicate and interact; but also how we think. Many of us feel incompetent and disappointed in ourselves when people post about their achievements on social media. Looking at their aesthetic pictures of earning a degree, landing a job, or traveling to their dream destination, makes our self-esteem hit the ground.

After looking at the accomplishments of our peers, we are determined to do great things that will make us feel good about and earn the appreciation of our friends. Because of this, many individuals push themselves hard for something they are not even passionate about. They only keep going to satisfy their egos and to avoid feeling worthless in their social circle.

On days when you feel discouraged and consider yourself useless, look around you and help those in need. By doing so, you will ease someone’s pain, which will bring you immense and inexpressible joy. This is the message of the famous quote:

No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.

Where Does The Quote Come From?

The quote is attributed to Charles Dickens and is found in his famous novel ‘Our Mutual Friend’ on page 493. The novel was published in 1865 and was the last work of Dickens. It is considered one of the most sophisticated works of Dickens, enriched with satire and addressing societal norms.

Who Was Charles Dickens?

Charles John Huffam Dickens was born on 7 February in Portsmouth, Hampshire, England. Dickens was one of the most renowned novelists of his time. He belonged to a middle-class family where he often witnessed financial struggles. When Dickens turned 12, his father was in a debtors’ prison. Hence, Dickens withdrew from school and started working in a factory.

Dickens’s fiction career began with short literary pieces reprinted in 1836 as Sketches by Boz. He possessed the art of spinning the story and enriching it with elements that made it entertaining. His first novel was a comic serialization titled The Pickwick Papers, published in 1837. The novel earned him great recognition and paved the way for him to publish more novels as serialization works such as Oliver Twist and The Old Curiosity Shop.

After the 1840s, Dickens’s novels reflected the ugly side of industrial society in his novels. He revealed societal issues and received massive appreciation from his readers. His all-time popular novels include David Copperfield, Bleak House, Little Dorrit, Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, etc.

At the age of 58, Dickens had a severe stroke and did not regain consciousness. He died on 9th of June at his Higham residence near Rochester, Kent.  

What is The Meaning of the Quote?

The abovementioned quote conveys the message of helping people and lightening their burdens. Everyone around us is fighting battles we sometimes know nothing about. They continue to suffer in despair and long for a friend to ease their problems or comfort them during challenging times.

Unfortunately, in this fast-paced era, no one has time for one another. We all are so busy with our jobs, education, and personal interests that we hardly have time to think about our family members, friends, colleagues, or neighbors. Because of our negligence, many of our loved ones combat their problems alone. Sometimes, being in trouble and having no one to help can also take a toll on their mental health. As a result, they develop stress and anxiety, which can lead to depression.

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains immortal. Albert Pine

Instead of trying to force yourself to do something exceptional to earn recognition in your social circle, try to devote your time to helping people around you. It will not only end the suffering of your friends but will also bring unexplainable contentment to you. Furthermore, by helping your peers or even strangers, you will build a long-lasting relationship with them. They will never forget how you were kind, generous, and supportive during their darkest times.

3 Simple Ways To Help Others

Many of us shy away from helping those around us in need. We often think supporting others requires making huge donations and spending considerable numbers of hours. However, that’s not the case. Offering your help and assistance is easy. All you have to do is provide relief and lessen the sufferer’s pain in any way you can.

For example, your friend is grieving the loss of their loved one. You can sit and talk to them during such a situation to help them overcome their pain. This small act of kindness will make your friend feel better. Moreover, it will also make you feel good about yourself for easing someone’s problems.

Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others. Booker T. Washington

The following are 3 simple ways to be helpful to others:

1.    Be Kind and Respectful

Kindness is a virtue that helps you empathize with everyone around you, including animals and plants. Every person we meet is fighting the demons we know nothing of. On the surface, it might seem that our friends and family are doing fine. However, we never fully understand what they are going through. Hence, always be respectful and kind towards them.

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can see. Mark Twain

Your kindness and generosity might bring them a few moments of happiness and help them forget about the adversities in their life.

2.    Listen to Understand

Another way to help someone is to listen to them without judgment or making hurtful remarks. Unfortunately, in today’s era, we hear to respond rather than understand. When an individual suffer from their troubles, they long for a friend to talk to who can listen to them. Sometimes, when a person share what they are going through, it lessens the load on their hearts and makes them feel relaxed.

Therefore, be all ears the next time your colleague or a family member talks to you about their hardships. Do not blame them for their problems or try to rush the conversation. Be patient and let them share everything with you.

3.    Show Appreciation

Many teenagers and young adults face the problem of low self-esteem and confidence. The best way to help them is by appreciating them. Bullying and mocking have increased manifold in today’s digital era. Netizens pass mean and harsh remarks about anyone online. Such comments easily crush the person’s confidence, and it takes time to rebuild it.

Therefore, always appreciate and congratulate your peers, kids, and friends on their achievements, no matter how small they may be. Your positive words might boost their morale and work wonders for their confidence.