Self-Control is Strength; Right Thought is Mastery

Self-Control is Strength; Right Thought is Mastery

For most of us the lack of self control can translate into a range of negative thoughts and emotions that will constantly assail us during the day. We may keep finding ourselves experiencing the various states of mind that are neither constructive nor desirable to our present and future well-being. Thankfully if we dive deeper into the quote by James Allen we might just find a remedy on how to not react to the flurry of these unproductive feelings that wash over us every single day.

The quote: “Self-Control is Strength; Right Thought is Mastery.” comes from James Allen’s 1903 literary essay and self-help book called As a Man Thinketh. The book embraces and teaches the belief that how people think and the thoughts they choose to have, will ultimately influence the person they will become.

Who Was James Allen?

Born on November 28th, 1864, British author and philosopher James Allen is known for laying the groundwork for modern self-help principles. His literary works consist of inspirational books and poetry which to this day serve as a source of ideas and insights for many motivational speakers and authors.

Allen was born into labor-class parents in Leicester, England. His father worked as a factory knitter while his mother never learned to read nor write. His father eventually decided to travel alone to the United States to find new opportunities and possibly a new home for his family. Only two days after leaving the boat into New York City, his father was believed to have been murdered during a robbery. This forced young James, who was fifteen at the time to discontinue schooling and find employment to support his family.

In the next decade, he worked in various clerical and selling jobs for a number of British manufacturing companies before shifting to journalism and reporting. In 1898, he started writing for the magazine The Herald of the Golden Age which further sparked his creativity. During his days as a journalist, he began publishing motivational literary works leading to the creation of his own spiritual magazine The Epoch.

What is the meaning of the Quote?

Every person inevitably goes through disappointments at many points in their lives – things don’t always go as planned and sometimes the things that occur in life may demonstrate unfairness on a consistent basis. For a great many, disappointments lead to more destructive emotions such as anger, resentment, fear, and even depression. Allen’s quote calls for an ability, that when mastered, liberates one from the tight grip of negative emotions.

At an early age, we are taught not to allow ourselves to be severely affected by the actions of those around us. We are taught that the practice of self-control allows us to better deal with losing out on personal desires. James Allen who has spent his early life in poverty saw that the practice of self-control allows one not only to avoid impulsive reactions and poor choices but also cultivate discipline in order to achieve long-term goals. The attainment of these benefits is reason enough to consider self-restraint, calmness, and right thinking as qualities that bring about strength and power.

James Allen’s views on Self-Control

In the essay As a Man Thinketh, Allen on multiple occasions emphasized how big of a role our thoughts play in shaping our lives.

A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts.
James Allen

Thoughts are powerful and influential in shaping one’s destiny. The collection of thoughts that one constantly permits to enter into their mind can either make or break them. Among the many beneficial and helpful concepts that one can allow in his mind is self-control. It allows one to not only refrain from impulses but also commit to maintaining the discipline to win or attain a goal.

Individuals Who Demonstrated Self-Control

When it comes to the practice of self-restraint, we can take inspiration from a myriad of men and women throughout history. Those who have shown us that self-control can positively affect not only their own life but those of others as well. Nevertheless, one can argue that only a mere few could match the grit and willpower that Mahatma Gandhi possessed during his campaign for India’s independence. Being one of the most outstanding figures in the 20th century, many found inspiration in the way he advocated resistance against colonial rule without resorting to bloodshed.

The qualities that made Gandhi successful in his campaign against British rule did not manifest overnight. Throughout Gandhi’s career and personal life, he always constantly practiced self-control. He made it his life’s commitment to always test his will when faced with impulses and desires. He realized that in order to surpass man’s common impulses, it is essential for one to continually practice resisting temptations brought about by short-term pleasures. These efforts allowed him to strengthen his willpower and successfully employ acts of abstinences as means of protests and assist in India’s freedom movement.

Why Self-Control is Important

Self-control is often the distinction between those who are successful and those who despite all their efforts, are not able to prevail. Self-control is nothing more than the ability to control our own emotions instead of our emotions controlling us.

Some may reason that in life, there are times when it is useful to just enjoy what is right in front of us. They argue that, at least occasionally, it can even be beneficial to just focus on what is occurring at the moment while taking consequences and future outcomes out of mind. While it may sound as if there is good reasoning behind this argument, going along this path puts us at risk of reinforcing habits that can keep us away from long-term fulfillment. If we are to observe our environment there are countless examples of issues that have arisen due to a lack of self-discipline.

On the other hand, those who have chosen to cultivate this essential quality in their lives have demonstrated unhindered progress and success. Much like the British philosopher James Allen, many successful individuals who have gone through the toughest of times but have triumphed despite it all will attest that self-control can light the path to long-term success. Discipline and willpower – two of the most vital qualities of success, are rooted in self-restraint.