True Friends Are Always Together In Spirit

True Friends Are Always Together In Spirit

All humans are entirely powerless in certain areas of their lives. We do not have any say in how we look, where and when we are born, and who our parents are. Similarly, it is beyond a person’s control to decide who their siblings and relatives will be. The Almighty Lord takes care of these matters.

However, we mortals have the opportunity to create certain relationships where we can love and share our happiness and sorrows. Friendship is a beautiful relationship that everyone, regardless of age, gender, race, and social standing, can enjoy. True friends understand each other and extend their unconditional love, support, and care to one another.

 It is one of life’s greatest pleasures to have a friend you can count on and share the pleasures and remorse of life with. Hence, always treasure such friends even if they are not close to you. Physical proximity isn’t a prerequisite of a loyal friendship because these special people are connected by heart and soul, as expressed in the quote:

True friends are always together in spirit.

Where Does The Quote Come From?

The aforementioned quote is attributed to Lucy Maud Montgomery. It is found in her famous novel Anne Of Green Gables, on page number 59. The words are said by the character Miss Stacey to Anne Shirley, the novel’s protagonist. Miss Stacey was leaving the school and going to Halifax, and Anne was upset about it. Hence, to comfort Anne, her teacher reminded her that they would remain friends even if they were not together.

Anne Of Green Gables

The novel was published in 1908 and is a classic children’s book to date. The story is set in the 19th century and is about an orphan teenage girl, Anne Shirley. She was mistakenly sent to 2 middle-aged siblings who wanted to adopt a teenage boy who could help them on farms. The story depicts the life of Anne with her new foster parents, town, and school.

Anne of Green Gables has been translated into more than 30 languages and sold over 50 million copies. It is one of the best-selling children’s books across the globe. Moreover, the novel has been adapted into films, plays, animated movies and series.

Who Was Lucy Maud Montgomery?

Lucy Maud Montgomery was born in New London on Prince Edward Island in 1874. She lost her mother when she was 21 months old to tuberculosis. Montgomery’s father gave Anne to her maternal grandparents’ custody. When she turned 7, her father left the town and moved to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Montgomery’s grandparents raised her, and she felt alone during this phase.

To keep herself busy and entertained, she created imaginary friends. According to her, this time of her life helped develop her creativity and broaden her imagination. In 1895, she studied literature at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. After that, she took up teaching jobs in different schools. However, she didn’t enjoy that profession. She continued her teaching job because it gave her time to write short stories. In 1897, her stories were published in newspapers and magazines. In 1908, Montgomery published Anne of Green Gables, which was an immense success and earned her massive recognition.

Throughout her spectacular career as a writer, she wrote 20 novels, over 500 short stories and poems, and 30 essays.

What Is The Meaning Of The Quote?

Having a true friend in your life to share your happiness and burdens of the heart is a surreal feeling. A friend is not related to us by blood. Rather, they are connected to us by our hearts and souls. Many teenagers and young adults have a misconception that the person who spends the most time with them is their real friend. The quote beautifully accentuates that physical proximity isn’t necessary for a meaningful friendship. Instead, it requires a strong mental and emotional bond which remains reliable even with a vast distance.

Making new friends is easy, especially when we are kids. However, as we grow up, we realize that not everybody who is friendly with us is our friend. A real friend is someone with whom you don’t have to fake yourself. You can afford to show them your true personality, including the ugly traits, without the fear of being judged. 

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.

Jim Morrison

Loyal friends do not hang out frequently or talk every single day. However, they are always available when their friends are in trouble. They will listen to them, comfort them, and try their best to offer a feasible solution. Your real companions will never make excuses or hesitate to help you when you need them the most. If a person only remains by your side in happy times, then they are not friends; they are peers who only like having fun with you.

Friendship is not about only having fun, gossiping, or clicking pictures. It’s a beautiful, profound, dependable relationship filled with constant support, encouragement, and comfort. If you truly want to be someone’s true friend, then never hesitate to help them when they need you the most. Let your friends know that they can count on you and won’t be disappointed in trusting you.

True friendship multiplies the good in life and divides its evils. Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island… to find one real friend in a lifetime is good fortune; to keep him is a blessing.

Baltasar Gracian

How To Be a Good and Reliable Friend?

1.    Never Mock or Belittle Your Friend

The first sign of a loyal friend is they never make fun of their peers. True friends will always boost your morale and encourage you to feel confident in your skin. Therefore, refrain from cracking jokes about your friends’ habits, appearance, family, education, job, etc. You might think that you are being funny and your goofiness is harmless. However, your mocking words can crush their self-esteem and make them insecure around you.

Similarly, when you observe that others bully or gossip about your friend, step up and defend them in their absence. Let your friends know that you always have their back. 

2.    Motivate Them to Follow Their Dreams

The second trait you must adopt to qualify as a true friend is motivating your peers to chase their passions. Many of our companions have high hopes for their future and are ambitious to pursue it. However, fear of failing, anxiety, and lack of confidence, deters them from achieving their goals.

Your friendship should be a surplus source of encouragement for your friends. Never make them feel as if they are incompetent and cannot accomplish their dreams. Instead, when they feel low about themselves, remind them of their strength and an ambitious spirit.

3.    Don’t Discuss Their Shortcomings or Discreet Details With Others

If your friend confides in you and shares their secrets, ensure to keep them safe. Do not divulge their problems to other people or gossip about them. Doing so will not only hurt your companion’s feelings but will also create trust issues for them. They will always find it hard to trust someone with their feelings.

Good friends do not enjoy themselves at the expense of their friends’ problems. Always guard their secrets and try your best to help them overcome their issues.

4.    Help Them To Overcome Their Weaknesses

A loyal friend is not a flatterer; they will never appreciate you for your wrongdoings or the weakness of your character. A sincere friendship is like a mirror, where you are politely made aware of your shortcomings so that you become a better person.

Never shy away from telling your peers their shortcomings, especially if it is becoming a hindrance in their life. Talk to them privately, show them your sincerity, and tell them about the weaknesses they need to work on. By doing so, you will help them overcome their flaws and become better versions of themselves.

5.    Comfort them On Their Difficult Days

We all need a friend to whom we can talk and express our worries on troublesome events like losing a job, the death of a loved one, failing at work or school, etc. Thus, whenever you learn about your friends’  issues, reach out to them. Let them know you are there for them to lighten their heart’s burdens.

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.

Marcus Tullius Cicero